We Are For Parents

What We’re For 

In a world where our public discourse is often about what we’re against, it’s easy to get swept up by the crowd in being against a certain social condition, or against a particular group of people, or even against the opinions of our neighbor. It’s vitally important in this environment for an organization to instead focus on what it is for.  

We are for parents. We are for parents of all shapes and sizes, all colors and creeds, all income levels, all opinions, all types of homes and for those without homes. We are for parents as they face the incredible struggles of raising children to thrive in a complex world. We are for parents as they mourn losses and celebrate gains. We are for parents as they navigate the search for resources in their community. We are for parents as they access mental health services in a resource-constrained healthcare system. We are for parents.  

The idea for Loving Parents was born in November 2021. Sarah and I met on Zoom, randomly assigned as partners for a group project on understanding the culture of others in our Master of Social Work program. As we interviewed each other, our conversation turned to our experiences as parents. I am the father of four sons, and she is the mother of one son and two daughters, and we are both incredibly blessed with spouses and homes and supportive communities, and we both agree on the fact that parenting is the hardest thing we have ever done. 

The past two years have been spent distilling our ideas for how to change the landscape of parenting. We both earned our certification as Mental Health Peer Specialists, Sarah became a trauma-informed yoga instructor, and in our school internships, we developed the skills necessary to build this organization to empower parents as they raise their children. 

Thank you for reading. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We look forward to changing the world with you.  


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