What is co-regulation and why does it matter?

Co-regulation is when a regulated adult (an adult that is not distressed, is within their window of tolerance, and is able to be centered and grounded) is able to offer attunement and safety to another person. Co-regulation is often talked about in relation to a caregiver co-regulating with a child. When an adult co-regulates with a distressed child, we are showing them that they are safe and we can attune to their needs and gently support them through their distress. The experience of this co-regulation is how a child learns to self-regulate. Self-regulation is a crucially important life skill and has significant impact on how someone is able to navigate social relationships, solve problems and manage their own emotions.

As a caregiver, it takes your own ability to self-regulate in order to co-regulate with your children. At Loving Parents we offer therapy, group support and yoga practices to help you improve your own skills in order to self-regulate more easily. Doing this work is a gift to your children and yourself!

You can read more about how co-regulating with your children is beneficial for them in the following articles.



Co-Regulation from Birth Through Young Adulthood: A Practice Brief


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